Thursday, January 28, 2016

Tips to sell your home!

Tips to sell your home!

Candles provide fresh smell, but some people dislike strong fragrances.  Never leave a candle burning when a home is empty, even if potential buyers are on the way.

Pet smells can turn off potential buyers.  We love our pets and they bring wonderful joy to our families, but when selling a home pay attention to any possible smell.

I was putting together some home selling tips for a potential client, and realized this information could be useful and interesting to many people.  These ideas have come from both reading and working in real estate, as well as from selling my own home.  My husband and I tend to have too much stuff, and every time we list our home our agent tells us to get rid of things.  I like that advice, because I actually enjoy purging my home of extra items.  I love the clean look of my home once I am done. When I get back from my trip to the local thrift store I and my house feel lighter.  It is a good thing.

When we have lived in a home for some time the appearance of the home can become invisible to us. We don't see the piles in the corners, or the stuffed closets.  We don't notice the smells.  When a home has pets it almost always has a bit of a smell, and there is no harder message to pass on to a homeowner than the message that we can smell the pet.  Buyers do not like pet smells.  Keep the home very clean and ready to show, put up air fresheners and keep the pet beds and litter boxes clean.

Here is the list I have prepared for my clients:

Tips for selling your home

List at a good price for the area
Empty home of extra stuff
Empty closets of ½ of the items and organize well
Light up home, open curtains, bright bulbs
No pet smells!  Ask a good friend if they can smell anything
Fresh paint and very clean home that shines
Kitchen and bath upgrades give most return on money
Curb appeal, clean bright front door
Plant flowers and clean up landscaping
No clutter in entryway
Buyers always look at ceiling make sure it is clean, painted, with no sign of leaks

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